A Message from Stop Drug Homicide President, Matt Capelouto

Recently, there have been some false and harmful statements circulating about me on social media. While I wish to avoid unnecessary conflict, I feel it’s important to address this in order to protect the integrity of the work we’re doing at Stop Drug Homicide.

It’s unfortunate that those making these false allegations have chosen to use social media to handle this publicly, thus hurting our common cause. These tactics help no one and only serve to distract from the critical work at hand. We’ve worked towards an amicable solution and will continue to do so, but we refuse to take part in disparaging anyone on social media. We hold ourselves to a higher standard and a higher calling.

My focus remains on what truly matters—advocating for laws like Alexandra’s Law and Proposition 36, which aim to prevent more lives from being needlessly lost. I will not allow these distractions to deter me from our mission of achieving justice and accountability.

To those of you who have offered your support during this time, thank you. Your encouragement strengthens our efforts and reminds me why this fight is so important. I encourage everyone to continue to stay focused on what we can achieve together.

For anyone who has questions or concerns, I’m always open to discussion. However, I kindly ask that we all refrain from engaging with negativity or spreading misinformation. Let’s keep the conversation centered on finding solutions and making a difference.

Thank you for your continued support.

Matt Capelouto
President, Stop Drug Homicide